eCommerce head opening in dubai
We have taken your reference from the net for a job opportunity in *DUBAI* Our Intro: We are corporate solutions provided which includes recruitment consultancy for senior profiles *LinkedIn profile* click: , *our website* , ******** This is in reference to the requirements for Ecommerce Head kind of a role ( location-dubai) for one of the billion dollar and one of the biggest chain of fashion retail outlets, having more than +200 stores all over the gulf with head office in Dubai ( name not disclosed) Currently ecommerce activity and online shopping is at a low ebb in the gulf in spite of the fact that social media is as active as anywhere in the world, this sector was never focused upon and the dependency was always on walk-in customers The co now intends to tap the ecommerce and online selling concepts in a big way and is seeking expertise from India in expanding the same, where online buying is booming With re...