risk manager
risk manager send cv on info@busybig.com; call 8080704539 for queries - samir (conslt) www.busybig.com § Handling the Risk of Sub broker. § Mapping client's requirement and Coordinating in developing and implementing processes. § Collection of margins on the basis of T+2 in Cash and T+1 in FO. § Monitoring offline and online position's of client's in NSE, BSE & FO & Squaring off the positions on nonpayment of margins. § Assigning limits to sub-broker terminal and its clients and maintaining Excel Sheet on day to day bases. § Analysis of daily MIS with respect to net collection to the business and report the same to the central Support office on a daily basis. § Review of sub-brokers projected risk and pure risk before releasing monthly brokerage. § Daily co-ordination with branch people for their bank Reconciliation problem, client payments follow -up. § Inter-company client transfer fu...